Friday, March 28, 2014

Abstact Series 14

I really enjoy painting's like going on an exciting journey. The painting guides and directs me in every turn and I never know what will show up around the bend.  Art worth admiring has color, value, shape, form, balance, rhythm and so on. Any successful abstract follows these basic principles of art. I hope you enjoy my last four.

Abstract #3.14
Abstract #4.14
Abstract #1.14
Abstract #2.14

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Pencil Watercolor Series

This series started when a local art supply store closed their doors so I was unable to get the buff colored drawing paper that I used for drawing with graphite and white chalk.  I decided to experiment with drawing on paper with watercolor washes to desired color.   I found that by gently scraping off the color pigment  I got stronger whites than I could get with colored drawing paper.  And here are the results:

Squaw Creek during spring run off.
Zoe at preschool.
Fallen leaves in river water.
My granddaughter Wanda and her discovery.
My grandson Kai and his faithful friend Lucy.
 Owyhee county in Idaho.